Policy Advocacy

At the heart of our work lies the pursuit of systems-level impact through policy advocacy. Recognizing that the African immigrant community is often overlooked as a policy priority, both at the local and national levels, we take the lead in forming coalitions that unite grassroots and immigrant-rights groups. Our collective efforts focus on advocating for the Nigerian and African immigrant community, while also supporting other immigrant groups nationwide.

To learn more about our current TPS for Nigeria campaign, involving over 100 organizations advocating for immigration protection for undocumented Nigerians in the United States, click here

To learn more about our current advocacy efforts on improving consular and passport services at the Nigerian Embassy in the United States, click here

To learn more about the Nigerian Center's testimony at the DC Council Performance Oversight Hearings on increasing funding for the District IJLS grant program, click here

To learn more about our current Special Student Relief (SSR) for Nigeria campaign, involving community organizations advocating for international Nigerian students in the United States, click here

To learn more about the Nigerian Center's response to House Resolution 82, the Redesignation of Nigeria as a Country of Particular Concern (CPC) to the United States, click here

To learn more about the Nigerian Center's testimony at the DC Council Committee on Transportation and the Environment for Limited Purpose Credential Clarification Amendment Act of 2024, click here